Hi there, I'm Bryan Daigle. I'm an advisor and coach to executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders young and old. I love helping high-achievers live with more meaning, courage, and connection in their work.

Get to Know Me
Learn how I got here & what makes me qualified to help you

About me
I don’t want to live an average life, and I don’t think you do either.
For more than twenty years and spanning four different industries, I have chosen to take the road less traveled. I have followed my intuition, used my creativity, acted with courage and kindness, and led with purpose to take on unique business and life challenges.
My willingness to experiment and follow success taught me to operate at the 30,000ft view, and in the weeds. This flexibility now serves me in coaching, to hold you in your higher lifelong vision, while also helping you work through the day-to-day challenges. Because real work is where those two parts of you meet.
In my pursuit of truth and growth, it hasn’t proven all rosy, as you can read in my blog post “Why I Coach.” I have experienced successes and failures, personally and professionally. I have overcome limiting beliefs to create better stories that would serve me. I have called myself out (or been called out by others) where I was acting from fear, and chosen (and rechosen) to move forward with courage. I have suffered physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I have healed. I have transformed.
Growth only happens outside the comfort zone, otherwise it would be comfortable!
These perspective shifts have changed my life in every way possible, giving me the extraordinary meaning, purpose, and belonging I have now. I feel incredibly grateful for where I am today, as a human, man, husband, father, son, community member, entrepreneur, and leader.
I live in Austin, Texas with my loving family, where I support my community, explore the outdoors, travel adventurously, and with courage, move towards my vision.

Respected leaders come to me because they don’t have a vision for themselves or their organization that is in alignment with their values. OR they recognize they aren’t living into their vision. The entrepreneurs, executives, and high-achievers that work with me demonstrate drive, commitment, intelligence, humility, courage, and most importantly, care about a positive impact. I help leaders create and clarify their vision for themselves and those they lead, and execute the vision.
Whether your life is going right and you want to turn it up to 11 – or you’ve plateaued and want some help breaking through, I am here to help leaders like you. By working together you will:
Become a more effective leader
Experience greater joy, peace, and love in your work & personal life
Bring awareness to your blind spots & behaviors that don't serve you
Create a way of living and working in alignment with your purpose
See how you’re doing as a leader by taking my Leadership Assessment, and then signing up for an introductory coaching call so we can review the results together.
Wishing you courage, connection, and purpose on your journey,
Bryan Daigle
Professional Certified Coach, MBA

My Background
Hint: Varied
Before coaching I worked in several different industries, wearing many different hats, in places all over the world (including Siberia). I worked for some of the largest companies in the world (IBM and ExxonMobil) and the smallest (just me!). I've been an engineer, project manager, inventor, real estate investor, angel investor, and bootstrap entrepreneur, sometimes all at once.
Like most entrepreneurs, I have had business failures along with my successes. After twelve years of running my 4-Hour Workweek Business (Headset Buddy), I sold it so that I could focus 100% on coaching.
At The University of Texas, I graduated first in my engineering class. After starting a few companies and realizing I needed a more comprehensive understanding of business, I earned an MBA in Entrepreneurship at the most competitive MBA program in the country (and was class president to boot!).
Continuing Education...al
Probably like you, I have a love of learning, and have continued my life education outside the classroom, both formally and informally. I learned yoga with the great masters of India and Reiki from a spiritual wizard/psychic. I lived like a monk on a ten-day silent meditation retreat. I explored my inner depths with South American shamans and Iranian Sufi mystics. I have an ever expanding library of spiritual and self-help books (which, thanks to Kindle, takes up less real estate now). I watch way too many documentaries ("Samsara" and "I Am" being two of my favorite). I hiked hundreds of miles on the PCT, AT, and Annapurna Circuit (Nepal) for "spiritual" development. Did I mention that I have been twice certified as a coach, by Divine Intelligence Institute as a Spiritual Life Coach, and by the main accrediting body for leadership coaches, International Coach Federation (ICF)? Just thought that might be relevant.
All these varied and unique experiences help me relate to my clients and motivate them to achieve the most out of life.
If you would like to see if we're a good fit, take my free leadership assessment.